I arrived at the Justin Herman Plaza in San Francisco, at about 10:30 AM. The trolley operator asked to read my sign as I disembarked. I did not have a particular clever sign -- it was a portable chalkboard on a stout carrying pole. The message was a simple statement: "Science: a proven remedy, selected by evolution." The bit about evolution was there because I thought it was important to understand our species evolved into scientists, because being a scientist is a survival trait. There were many other more clever signs -- you can find several of the best at this website: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2017/04/23/these-were-the-best-signs-from-the-marchforscience/ . There were women wearing pink knitted caps in the shape of brains on this occasion. A few held signs explaining that they personally were still alive because of medical science advancements. "Remember polio? Me, neither." "You know it is serious when the nerds come out." ...
To ruminate means to turn a matter over and over in the mind. Let us just say that occasionally I write, and let others see what I have written. If it is interesting or useful to you, excellent. If not, there are many others on the internet.