On the television science fiction drama "Extant", an android is asked to respond to the following scenario, which I have fleshed out a little from the script on the show. A known terrorist, of well documented acts of mass murder numbering in the thousands, has been located hiding in a school house in a remote location. A drone strike will kill the terrorist, preventing possible future acts of mass murder. The strike will also kill a dozen innocent school children. When asked if she would execute the drone strike, the android without hesitation, says "yes". I have heard others, who are real humans, claim they would make similar choices: if the possibility of stopping future evil is sufficiently large, they would harm or kill a few innocents for that objective. Problem is that this is not only a morally questionable action, it is illogical as well. Hence an perfectly logical android would not have said "yes". Of course, the fictional scenario does not in...
To ruminate means to turn a matter over and over in the mind. Let us just say that occasionally I write, and let others see what I have written. If it is interesting or useful to you, excellent. If not, there are many others on the internet.